Linkpost 02-12-11
by Brett Stevens on February 12, 2011
Some good stuff out there this week. This isn’t all of it. But it’s a start:

- Counter-Currents: Benoist on J. Philippe Rushton: Interview on the Human Sciences, Part 3, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
- Race/History/Evolution: European genes appeared among Native Americans as early as ten thousand years ago.
- Secular Right: Japan disses diversity
- Obsidian: Why White Pride is Uncool
- Pleasantview Schoolhouse: When we are the engine
- Audacious Epigone: Fertility in the US is higher than that among those with bachelor’s degrees, but at the doctoral level, nearly one in three women never get around to starting a family.
- Mangan’s: How PC Came to Be
- Advocatus Diaboli: The Concept of Victimless Crime is Absurd, Why Basic and Academic Research is Collapsing: 1
- The Great Satan’s Girlfriend: Known Unknowns
- Occidental Dissent: More on Jonathan Haidt’s Tribal Moral Communities
- Traditionalists: Massignon, Corbin, Guénon, and Schuon
- The New Antaios: What is a hipster?
- Primordial Traditions: The Perennial Philosophy, the Modern Economy and KFC (The World Economy) Part VII
- Information Processing: Bobos and the brain
- The Thinking Housewife: The Age of Anti-Motherhood, Women Guarding Men
- Oriental Right: Korea already suffers a low birth rate, so why don’t we complicate her demographic woes by adding a whole new set of problems to the mix?
- Fourth Checkraise: Reality will be televised
- Dienekes: Swedish population structure
- Alternative Right: Does pregnancy make you nationalist?
- FerFAL: Home invasion in USA
- Fjordman: How Did Europeans Develop So Many Different Hair and Eye Colors?, Ägypten: Verfall, als Sieg verkleidet
- Bruce Charlton: Why does one-step reasoning dominate in modern discourse?
- The Spearhead: Fat Acceptance — Where Feminists and Gay Men Part Ways
- youarenotsosmart: Deindividuation (Good post, fails to notice the origin of deindividuation impulse as individualism itself.)
- Athol Kay: Life Sucks, The Marriage Still Good
- hbd chick: on the origins of the multicultacracy, Germanic peoples are soooooo trusting
- Jesus seeks loving woman: Satisfaction
- Fred Reed: “a country whose population consists chiefly of baffled gerbils cannot be a democracy” (Don’t tell Fred that he’s describing a symptom caused by democracy, not just the undoing of it. It is both.)
- In Mala Fide: Today in pointless trigger warnings
- Kali-Yuga: Hierarchy and Authority; neither good nor evil., “Bring back the duel”
- Gene Expression: The academy is liberal, deal!
- I Want a New Left: The Left and the Policy of Letting the People Decide
- A Voice for Men: Understanding the Dumb Choices Women Make
- Crime & Federalism: Beta Gets Beat Down
- The Confederate Colonel: The Indentured Servant
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