If you like our linkposts, check out Periscope and DiversityWatch.
Doctor with Irish heritage plays fast and loose with transplant rules, and gets his hospital dropped. Normal? Only in diversity America.
Moronic Leftists decided to do some contrarian signaling and ended up creating a new refugee dystopia in a formerly-thriving theater. Everything they touch, they destroy, these Leftists, and well, these refugees too!
Turns out we are heading into an ice age and our hype over global warming is not just misguided, but actively destructive.
Black people need countries for them, run by them, and designed by them. This can only happen in Africa. Diversity is cruel to all participants.
When you look at them with open eyes, the symbolist religions are ludicrous, but easy answers are always more addicting than complex reasoning.
Associated Press is mostly funded by donations from Leftist charities, and not surprisingly, it cheers for Leftist topics alone.
The problem is not language but biology. Assimilation and integration are the same fiction. We all are what we are.
Trump aims to equalize costs through tariffs, eliminating the third-world low-cost advantage.
North Korea has set up an experimental capitalist enclave in the impoverished socialist country.
Israel-Palestine war inspires Jewish man to stab Palestinian migrants.
Democracy is destroying its ability to produce food the same way the Soviets did, through equalization. What is falling, push!
No one wants to appear “racist,” so they allow diversity criminals to wander free.
When you open your borders, all sorts of people show up for the free stuff, and sometimes to kill you.
Anti-Semitism, like blasphemy against Christ or Mohammed, is free speech. End diversity, problem solved.
Diversity doing what diversity does. Rape is a weapon of race war.
Florida takes a page from “hate crimes” penalties and adds special circumstances to laws that punish illegals more than citizens.
Tags: diversitywatch, linkpost, news, periscope