
Furthest Right

Crowdism is a form of Individualism

Crowdism is the opposite of parallelism, which is a kind of holism designed to take into account human perception of mind and body as separate. What’s crowdism?

The belief, whether known in language to its bearer or not, that the individual should predominate over all other concerns is Crowdism. We name it according to the crowd because crowds are the fastest to defend individual autonomy; if any of its members are singled out, and doubt thrown upon their activities or intentions, the crowd is fragmented and loses its power. What makes crowds strong is an inability of any to criticize their members, or to suggest any kind of goal that unites people, because what makes for the best crowds is a lack of goal. Without a higher vision or ideal, crowds rapidly degenerate into raiding parties, although of a passive nature. They argue for greater “freedom.” They want more wealth. Anything they see they feel should be divided up among the crowd.

Crowdism strikes anyone who values individual comfort and wealth more than doing what is right. People of a higher mindset leave situations in a higher state of order than when they were found. This requires that people form an abstraction describing how organization works, and create in themselves the moral will to do right, and thus embark on a path that is not accessible to everyone: the smarter and more clearsighted one is, the greater likelihood exists that one is realizing things that an audience of average people have not yet comprehended. For this reason, Crowdists hate people who leave situations in a higher state of order than when they were found. These people threaten to rise above the crowd, and thus fragment the crowd by revealing individual deficiencies again, and that steals the only method of power the crowd has: superior numbers and the illusion that everyone in the crowd is in agreement as to what must be done.

In short, a crowd does not exist except where underconfidence unites people who, being unable to lead on their own, find solace in the leadership and power of others. They want to be in control, but they are afraid to lead, and thus each person in the crowd delegates his authority to others. The crowd therefore moves not by choices, but by lowest common denominator, assessing each decision in terms of what all people in the crowd have in common. Predictably, this makes its decisions of such a base nature they can be guessed in advance. A crowd derives its momentum from the need of its members coupled with their fear of their own judgment. Taking impetus from the need, it asserts itself violently, but because its only mechanism of decision-making is radical compromise, it moves passively toward predictable resolutions.


Crowdism underlies all ideologies today. As Plato noted, as a society ages, its people become increasingly less aware of what is required to keep it operating. They take it for granted. And so they create power structures independent of reality, and therefore fragment that social consensus that originally brought people together into one whole organic group united by language, culture, values, customs and heritage.

Our society is currently Crowdist because it is aging rapidly, accelerated by technology, and it is in denial. Want to defeat Crowdism? Speak the truth. Get realistic language out there on the playing field. Make fun of the insane and point out the failures of those ideas in the past. And, in the words of Gandhi, “become the change you seek in the world.” Transcend your own drama. Look at life from a realistic vantage. Act for what is good and sane and not what is convenient or makes your friends laugh.

In a strange way, this is how you keep both your maturity and your childhood. You gain maturity by becoming a good organism and adapting to reality; you keep childhood by preserving your innocence by seeing only what you need to in reality, and keeping neurotic and deceptive adult behavior away. It’s not just victory for humanity, but victory for you.

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