
Furthest Right

On The Question of Diversity, HBD Is Not Enough


The broken souls in the mainstream media are beating that tin drum again about how it is bad to be white, and how everyone else is better than you, despite their lack of accomplishments as civilizations and in any area beyond athletics:

The games can be read as something of a physical rejoinder to Trump. “The performance of immigrants and children of immigrants in the Olympics really contradicts Trump in two ways,” Roger Pielke, Jr., a University of Colorado political scientist with an upcoming book on sports, told me in an email. “One is that America is already great (look at the medal count!) and the second is that immigration is a big factor in what makes America great in sports (and business, and culture).”

Ever wonder why people are not enthralled with the Olympics, and really have not been since 1984? It is no longer a national contest. When it was ethnic Germans versus ethnic French, it was an interesting look into humanity that encouraged each group to surpass itself. Now it is diverse teams from all over the world, which effectively look identical with zero actual diversity between them, competing for green cards, or something of that nature.

The bigger point is that being anti-diversity is not about thinking that immigrants are bad in themselves, but that they are bad to have here because diversity itself is toxic. Diversity destroys the majority culture as it contorts to accept the newcomers, even if they are slaves or temporary labor. This in turn destroys social trust, obliterates any sense of mission or values in common, and creates an alienated wasteland where people avoid each other.

In other words, this is not about any group being bad, but diversity being bad. If Sweden flooded itself with Japanese immigrants, who have high IQs and high abilities including athletics, it would destroy itself just as surely as if it admitted Somalis. In the same way, if Nigeria admitted ten million Irish people, its people would be destroyed through the resulting indirect genocide, and its culture would die long before that.

Diversity is death. It is a crazy policy based on emotional gestures, like socialism and zero tolerance policing. It has nothing to do with reality because in reality, people like to be with others like them. That allows them to have social standards, values in common, culture and shared goals; these are essential for the human spirit and sense of well-being. All diversity is toxic, even one drop.

Noted HBD writer Steve Sailer weighs in with a reminder of the associated problems of immigration:

Mo Farah’s brother jailed again after he tried to break into an elderly couple’s home – his 20th offence in a string of convictions

Omar Farah admitted one count of attempted burglary with intent to steal. The younger brother of Olympic hero Mo left his fingerprints at the scene. Farah, 21, tried to break into a west London house in March 2013. He was jailed for 15 months at Kingston Crown Court by Judge Jones. Judge Jones described Farah’s 15 previous convictions as ‘unimpressive.’

However, even if these immigrants were not criminals, they would be toxic — and not from any properties of themselves. The presence of the Other in any form destroys communities and erases culture, which is a consistent goal of the Left as it wants to destroy anything that can compete with ideology as a control principle. Culture, values, heritage, the family and even behavioral standards must die so that equality stands above all else.

Another commentator, Alastair J. Roberts, brings up a series of related points about groups and behaviors:

In reality, people exhibit group effects, group dynamics, group belonging, and group affiliations. You can also tell a surprising amount about someone by the groups they are associated with or fall into.

Much of the time we have very little information about individuals. As children, there was probably not a great deal to distinguish Mo from his brothers. In such a situation, we should focus upon what we know about the groups they belong to and what patterns we have seen in their group behaviour over time.

What track record of integration into Western society do Somali immigrants have? At what pace and rate do they integrate? What burden of adaptation do they place upon the indigenous population? How about their children and grandchildren? What are their marriage practices (do they extensively intermarry with other groups? Are they clannish in their marriage patterns?) and what forms of family do they have? What are their religious beliefs and cultural practices? How compatible are these with the historic practices of our Western societies? Are they vulnerable to radicalization? What skills do they have to offer? Do we need those skills? Are they jeopardizing the strength and cohesion of the communities and the security of the employment of more vulnerable groups in our own native population? What are their patterns of settling in Western societies? What are their education and employment rates? Have we been able to provide previous generations of immigrants from these groups with secure employment and respected social status (and, if we haven’t, we are we taking in more?)?

What are the demographics of current immigrants? What long term effects might these demographics have (e.g. in Sweden there is now a ratio of 123 males to 100 females in the 16-17 age range, while immigrant groups take about ten years to gain even 50% levels of employment—such statistics should ring warning bells)? Etc., etc.

These are the sorts of questions that need to be asked. Rather than ‘tarring everyone with the same brush’, what we need is the prudent application of the knowledge that comes with probability patterns. Such probability patterns may not give us direct knowledge specific to a given individual (although they can give us real knowledge about risks associated with persons of their type), but they tell us a lot about groups.

But this misses the point: it is not the groups that are the problem, it is diversity. Diversity destroys civilization. It forces people into a society they hate because it is actively working against their values and interests. As a result, those people become selfish and begin to destroy their own society. This pattern repeats again and again, but humans are too pretentious to admit that it is what they are seeing.

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